Most dieting menus deny the use of bananas because it is believed to be unsuitable for dieting due to the high caloric content of the fruit, but the existence of a banana diet calls this claim into question. Who is wrong - people who offer to lose weight with a banana, or those who oppose its use in shaping a slim body?
Is it possible to lose weight on a banana
The reason why experts are hesitant about banana weight loss programs is that the main product is high in calories: 100 g of 89 kcal (95 kcal according to some sources), 21. 8 g of carbohydrates and high amounts of sugar. The last parameter is the reason why nutrition experts say the banana diet is not the best choice for those who want to lose quality. Against the background of its own large amount of sugar, this fruit triggers a surge in insulin levels, which then causes a new hunger attack. However:
- if your diet includes a fasting day, you will lose weight due to a strong reduction in daily calories;
- Like other plant foods, bananas help to cleanse the body, which also leads to weight loss, but does not improve the quality of the body.
Useful properties and composition of fruits
In addition to its significant caloric and natural sugar content, the entire plant group has many valuable properties. Bananas can thus be called a champion in the potassium content of a mineral that is important for the heart: by consuming 1 fruit, we can easily replenish potassium levels, as 100 g of ripe pulp contains 358 mg of this element. Minerals include:
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- Iron;
- magnesium (indirectly aids metabolism).
Bananas are an excellent source of energy, due in part to their high (above 70) glycemic index and high starch content. The latter is a good product for people suffering from gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastritis, diarrhea, however, hard banana dieting is not allowed for such problems.

banana diet
The author of such an unusual body-shaping technique is named after British nutrition researcher Jane Griffin, who was one of the first to talk about the use of banana fruits for weight loss - previously considered an anti-diet product. The system is soft, but you can follow its rules for up to a week. The estimated weight loss is 6 kg, but the exact number can only be determined by clarifying the initial parameters. There are several important points in the energy system:
- You need to prepare the day before: drink only mineral water without gas and green tea, do not eat fatty foods and fried foods.
- All plant foods should be eaten fresh whenever possible.
- It is not possible to combine bananas with cereals on the menu: oatmeal must be consumed separately in another meal.
Indications for use
Most people find diet-designed diets to be the enemy of health, but bananas can even be useful. This can be explained not only by the high amount of vitamins and valuable minerals in the fruit, but also by the high starch content, which reduces stomach discomfort and soothes the intestines. There is a list of diseases in which such a menu will be healing for a short time:
- hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar, may cause seizures);
- chronic stomach problems - gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
- diseases of the liver and urinary system;
- violations in the work of the bile ducts;
- circulatory problems.
What to eat and what not to lose weight
Any weight loss program is based primarily on reducing your daily caloric intake, so if you create a menu, it shouldn’t be "heavy" in terms of calorie content and carbohydrate content. The use of wholemeal bread is not ruled out, so as not to forget about complex carbohydrates at all.
- sources of sugar (meaning not fruit but factory confectionery);
- fried foods;
- fatty foods;
- meat and fish (some diets, if long, allow very small portions);
- pickled and salty foods.
What kind of fruit to choose for weight loss
Experts continue to debate the degree of ripeness of the main product of the banana diet: some nutrition experts recommend eating green fruits (more precisely, they have turned yellow) because they contain less sugar and pectin and contain fiber in a dense pulp. rougher. However, the percentage of dangerous starch in the figure, the degree of ripeness is inversely proportional: the softer the fruit, the less it contains. The glycemic index of an unripe fruit can be in the range of 42 units, so it is worth dieting. Banana chips should not be touched under any circumstances.

How to lose weight on bananas in 3 days
A short and simple technique that helps you lose 2-3 kg of weight involves using fresh, dense bananas, green apples and cucumbers. The latter foods are known for their diuretic and cleansing properties, including weekend dieting and detoxification. Do not forget about clean water: drink 1, 8-2 liters a day. The three-day diet is structured as follows:
- breakfast - 2 bananas;
- snack - apple;
- lunch - bananas and apples;
- dinner - cucumber.
Banana diet for 7 days
For those who are not afraid of difficulties, a weekly system that lacks the obvious variety of the menu is appropriate. 1 kg of fresh fruit (up to 950 kcal), 2-2, 5 liters of clean water, 0. 5 liters of green tea and mineral water are dispensed per day. Only breakfast is changed daily:
- 3 boiled quail eggs.
- 2 oranges.
- 2 boiled chicken eggs.
- Grapefruit. If the sun seems hungry, you can eat 300 ml of vegetable soup (without potatoes) in the afternoon.
- 3 boiled quail eggs.
- 2 oranges.
- 2 boiled chicken eggs.
Fasting day
If you’re not ready to memorize the complex scheme of weight loss banana methods yet, but want to start the weight loss process, try sitting on this fruit for a day. The meaning of the technique lies in the rejection of all other products: you can eat 1 kg of fruit per day (this is no more than 950 kcal), this amount is divided into 6-8 meals at equal intervals. Also, be sure to drink plenty of warm water, mostly clean, but green tea and mineral water are also allowed. Some nutrition experts allow the addition of skim lactose-free milk to the diet - up to 0, 5 liters.
Types of mono-diet
There are many options for banana diets that don’t include a lot of food in their diet, but experts mostly advise combining the main fruit with milk, kefir or cottage cheese. Such systems are the most efficient and relatively satisfactory because they add protein to starch. The more nutritious foods on the menu (boiled fish and meat, cottage cheese, boiled eggs), the longer you can stick to your chosen eating system, but most mono options require you to sit on them for up to a week so as not to harm your health.
Milk banana
There are 2 versions of this technique that differ in their degree of rigidity. The Softer is made for 5 days, but can be reduced to 3 days. You lose about 500 g a day, but if you are overweight, you can lose 800 g. Articles of association:
- Take 350 g of fruit (3 pieces) and 600 ml of lactose-free milk with a minimum fat content (0. 5%) per day.
- You can drink clean water in any amount.
- It should be eaten 4 times a day.
- The last meal is mandatory at 18: 00.
In the strict 10-day version of the banana-milk diet, the menu is almost the same, and the general rules for eating and water treatment are similar. However, the proportion of milk increases to 1 liter per day and can be replaced with low-fat kefir or drinking yoghurt without additives, if necessary. However, the latter is only allowed 0, 5 liters. The 10-day diet fruits are consumed in 4 quantities. (about 450 g) per day.

Cottage cheese with banana for weight loss
The four-day strict weight loss method, which recommends alternating between banana and cottage cheese days, is suitable for those who don’t like to starve while losing weight. With its effectiveness, it overshadowed the other monodiet on this fruit, as the body does not suffer from a protein deficiency. You can lose 4-5 kg in 4 days while maintaining your effectiveness as much as possible. The menu is structured as follows:
- Odd or banana days: banana + milk in the morning (glass), banana + egg in the afternoon (boil), banana + chicken in the evening (breast, 150 g, boil).
- Even days or cottage cheese: morning cottage cheese + grapefruit (100 g), afternoon cottage cheese + apple (200 g), similar to breakfast in the evening. Cottage cheese 5% fat.
The method from Asia doesn’t really fit the monodetic format, as it allows the use of third-party products, requiring a single rule - eat 1-2 raw bananas every morning. In 3-4 hours you can have a full lunch, then an afternoon snack and dinner. After 20 hours, only water is taken into the mouth. The diet lasts for a week. Soft meals are preferred during the day:
- cereals on the water (dairy products are prohibited);
- steamed / steamed vegetables.
Kefir and banana
A diet based on low-fat kefir and uncooked fruits can be a simple substitute for a milk-banana diet. We consume the latter in 6 quantities. per day, which will be about 700 g (you should not take more than 700 kcal) and you can drink a whole liter of kefir - 400 kcal. This way, your daily caloric intake will not be too low, so your body will suffer minimally. The banana-kefir method can be observed for up to 5 days.
Diet recipes
Banana paste can be used in many ways during cooking - it is included in the dough, it is used for fruit meats, salads, cocktails (smoothies), cold desserts. However, most of these recipes are forbidden at weight loss: nutrition experts advise that this fruit be used mostly fresh, in protein shakes or in light salads.
Fruit salad with apples and yogurt
- Servings: 1 person.
- The caloric content of the food is 239 kcal.
With fruit monodiets, salads become the main course, for which they constantly try to choose the most different product combinations from each other. Almost any fruit can be added to the banana base (with the exception of sugary grapes and persimmons, as these are undesirable in the diet), but tandem with apples is considered the most beneficial. As a topping - natural yogurt.
- banana - 120 g;
- green apple - 200 g;
- natural yogurt - 30 ml;
- strawberry - 50 g.
Cooking mode:
- We cut the peeled apples into cubes, we do the same with the banana pulp.
- Cut the strawberries into quarters and the very small berries in half.
- Lay the ingredients of the salad in a bowl, put the yogurt between them.

Banana cocktail with kefir and cinnamon
- Servings: 1 person.
- The caloric content of the food is 264 kcal.
If you are looking for delicious and non-threatening recipes, you should try a delicious cocktail. It consists of kefir (choose to stand for 2-3 days - not the latest) or skim milk without lactose, a pinch of cinnamon and banana puree. To taste, we can add a few fresh strawberries here, and for the sake of sweetness, take a teaspoon of honey.
- banana - 120 g;
- kefir - 200 ml;
- honey - 1 teaspoon;
- cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
Cooking mode:
- Using a blender, make a banana puree (twist at high speed for a minute).
- Mix in the same place with a glass of kefir, add honey and cinnamon. Beat for another 20 seconds.
fried banana
- Servings: 2 people.
- The calorie content of the pot is 357 kcal.
The simplest light weight loss banana dish, perfect for breakfast or dessert that isn’t too dangerous to shape, is the fried fruits sprinkled with yogurt and lemon juice. We can add egg whites and even a little skim milk: it will be even more satisfying. Add this mixture to a blender to get delicious casserole food that can also be recommended for baby food.
- banana - 240 g;
- cottage cheese - 50 g;
- lemon - 1/2 pc;
- egg white - 20 g;
- natural yogurt - 50 g;
- cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
Cooking mode:
- Place the sliced fruit on the bottom of the ceramic tin (engrave 2 - easier to divide).
- Sprinkle with lemon juice.
- Whisk the protein with the yoghurt and cottage cheese (preferably in the form of briquettes), cover the banana layer.
- Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

How to quit your diet
Banana weight loss schemes are considered rigid, so appropriate exit should be performed to consolidate the result and prevent gastrointestinal defects. First, in terms of duration, you have to match the duration of the diet itself: if you lose weight for 4 days, slowly and gradually introduce familiar foods for exactly the same amount. The exit algorithm looks like this:
- The first stage is to add vegetables and unsweetened fruits that are not used in the diet. Increasing your daily caloric intake by just 100-200 kcal.
- The second stage is the return of cereals to the diet with water or milk, but without additives. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat are desirable.
- In the third stage, the diet includes a small amount (up to 150 g per day) of lean meat, fish or seafood.
- The last section of the menu is supplemented with wholemeal bread, cheeses, sour dairy products, pasta, but in turn: 1 day - 1 food group.
Contraindications and side effects
Due to the high glycemic index of the main product, no variant of banana emptying, or even milder treatment, should be used in individuals with diabetes. A similar recommendation is given in case of individual intolerance of the main fruit and the appearance of allergic reactions. During weight loss, nausea and weakness are not excluded. Some experts note that a banana diet should not be prescribed:
- liver diseases;
- problems with the bile ducts;
- worsening diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- thrombophlebitis, high coagulation rate;
- ischemic heart disease;
- diarrhea (when combined with milk).